There’s just one Thursday remaining before Thursday Night Thunder, LA’s 1/8th mile “run what you brung” drag strips nights at Irwindale Speedway take a three week break. Many attendees have noticed that there is a large TV Production compound which has popped up in the parking area over the last few weeks.
The structure, the set for NBC’s new series “Titan Games”, will host live audiences for filming nights. Tio Productions will be on site the next week to meet drag strip attendees and inform them of how they can apply to be part of the live studio audience. The show will film at night and feature host, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson as he pits competitors against each other in extreme strength competitions.
“We’ve been very fortunate to host TIO Productions and the Titan Games and it’s been instrumental in allowing us to continue operation of Irwindale Speedway,” speedway President, TIm Huddleston stated. “We appreciate everyone’s patience while we got close and comfortable on Thursday Nights and we hope that everyone interested can come out and enjoy at least one episode of the show while we are dark from our Thursday Night Thunders. We’ll be back on Sept 27th with more great racing action.”
Thursday Night Thunder will return, as mentioned, on Sept 27th and Sept 29th will still host Saturday Night Drag racing. More details on that night can be found on the event page.